Cameroon Children’s Hospital
Cameroon Children’s Hospital will be the first dedicated, full-service children’s hospital in Central Africa. It will be one of only a hand-full of children’s hospitals in sub-Saharan Africa and the only one in the Central African region that will provide comprehensive pediatric care at a single facility - from disease prevention to cancer and complex neuro and cardiac surgical care. It will be a huge leap forward in the care of Africa’s most vulnerable, its children.
Made possible by a generous donation from Drs Daniel and Meesha Gwan-Nulla, in partnership with the Cameroon Baptist Convention, the 150-bed hospital is slated to open in 2029. It will be designed and constructed by Build Health International (BHI), Beverly, Massachusetts, the facility will include:
Pediatric emergency & trauma unit
Burn unit
Neonatal and pediatric intensive care units
Comprehensive cancer care with a dedicated cancer treatment pavilion
3 Operating rooms, including cardiac OR
Cardiac catheterization lab
Cardiac care unit
Endoscopy suite
Radiology services with CAT Scan
Spacious patient rooms with isolation rooms
Full service kitchen for patient meals
Physical rehab center
Educational and research facilities
This state-of-the-art facility will be powered by its own hydroelectric power plant to provide reliable and sustainable clean energy. In addition, it will also feature a sustainable, ecological friendly waste disposal system. This will ensure that we can meet the growing demand of pediatric care in Sub-Saharan Africa and give hope to children and their families who, otherwise, would not have access to such care.