Cameroon Children’s Hospital

Cameroon Children’s Hospital will be the first dedicated, full-service children’s hospital in Central Africa. It will be one of only a hand-full of children’s hospitals in sub-Saharan Africa and the only one in the Central African region that will provide comprehensive pediatric care at a single facility - from disease prevention to cancer and complex neuro and cardiac surgical care. It will be a huge leap forward in the care of Africa’s most vulnerable, its children.

Made possible by a generous donation from Drs Daniel and Meesha Gwan-Nulla, in partnership with the Cameroon Baptist Convention, the 150-bed hospital is slated to open in 2029. It will be designed and constructed by Build Health International (BHI), Beverly, Massachusetts, the facility will include:

  • Pediatric emergency & trauma unit

  • Burn unit

  • Neonatal and pediatric intensive care units

  • Comprehensive cancer care with a dedicated cancer treatment pavilion

  • 3 Operating rooms, including cardiac OR

  • Cardiac catheterization lab

  • Cardiac care unit

  • Endoscopy suite

  • Radiology services with CAT Scan

  • Spacious patient rooms with isolation rooms

  • Full service kitchen for patient meals

  • Physical rehab center

  • Educational and research facilities

This state-of-the-art facility will be powered by its own hydroelectric power plant to provide reliable and sustainable clean energy. In addition, it will also feature a sustainable, ecological friendly waste disposal system. This will ensure that we can meet the growing demand of pediatric care in Sub-Saharan Africa and give hope to children and their families who, otherwise, would not have access to such care.

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